• 'Jurassic world 2' update:good dinosaurs and bad dinosaurs in a huge battle in costa rica !
  • “Jurassic World 2” really changed the way huge dinosaurs can be on Earth with humans. For some, it refreshed old “Jurassic Park” memories and for some it was an altogether a new experience. “Jurassic World 2” promises new and modernised outlook towards humans and dinosaurs together!

    “Jurassic World 2” producer and writer Colin Trevorrow confirmed that he would not be directing more “Jurassic World” sequels but admitted to being part of “Jurassic World” Universe.

    In his interview with Entertainment Weekly, Trevorrow explored the idea for “Jurassic World 2 saying, “Dinosaurs and man, separated by 65 million years of evolution, have been thrown back into the mix together. How can we know what to expect? [“Jurassic world 2] get to be a different kind of film.”

    Trevorrow also confirmed the idea of many sources who can be producing dinosaurs. He told Wired UK, “And Dr Wu says in the film, when he’s warning Dr Mesrani, ‘we’re not always going to be the only ones who can make a dinosaur’. I think that’s an interesting idea.”

    With Dr. Henry Wu [B. D. Wong] running off with a few embryos to Costa Rica, there is a huge chance that “Jurassic World 2” will be revolving around this location. It is already rumored that weaponized dinosaurs are in process to be put in the front battle.

    As previously reported, Claire [Bryce Dallas Howard] will be replacing Owen [Chris Pratt] as protagonist for “Jurassic World” sequel. Claire’s character is going to be the most evolved over the “Jurassic World” trilogy.

    Also, Colin Trevorrow has previously informed fans that after the events of “Jurassic World,” Claire and Owen will be on their own and will explore different paths depending on what they choose their future to be!
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