• Jurassic Park 4 ‘Jurassic World’ Airing Trailer During Super Bowl

    Everybody knew that the fourth Jurassic Park film “Jurassic World” would be big, but several leaked memos that emerged after the movie wrapped up filming last month show just how much work is going in to marketing the release.

    A deal has reportedly been struck by Universal to air the first full trailer for the film during the coveted Super Bowl commercial slot, which means tens of millions of eyeballs are going to see it, and countless others will catch it in the media fallout.

    With such a broad family viewership the Super Bowl is perfect to jog everyone’s memory about the dinosaur franchise and get them sold on going to see it.

    It’s currently set to be released on June 12, and the Super Bowl is February, so its the perfect time to build that initial buzz.

    Also revealed in the memos is the development of a Lego video game tie in, as well as a physical Lego toy range as well.

    Other deals range from Mercedes to Kellog’s cereal.

    One memo even says “Jurassic World is expected to be bigger than the original,” which is a big feat considering the original earned over $1 billion at the worldwide box office.

    The plot for Jurassic World is set 22 years after the original movie where a fully functional dinosaur theme park is open to the public. Unfortunately a publicity stunt to create new interest in its waning popularity goes horribly wrong and we can all imagine what that means!

  • close  print clock 2014-09-11
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